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Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Glare on the Television Screen

Has anyone ever watched television and in the middle of the show/movie/whatever someone else watching with you complains about a glare on the screen? For some reason out of your control you have to look for the glare and when you finally do find the glare it is all you can see. It covers all in important part of the screen where before you had not even known of its existence. You can never remember how in the world you were able to ignore it for so long before because now all you can think about is the fact that your living room blinds are on television and they are talking.

I am the same way when it comes with books. When I am reading a book I can't read reviews. At all. because then I start to see everything that the reviewer said was there. It can completely make me hate a book if I had read bad reviews. I can only read reviews for books after I finish a book unless I am only reading the review to see if I want to read the book in the first place.

So I ask my readers these questions: Have you ever read reviews of a book that you were at the time reading?
Can you read reviews of a book that you are reading?
Did you find that you liked the book more or less because you read the reviews?
And is there anything that you have to avoid doing because it ruins the book for you?

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